Welcome to the second festival of a cappella vocal harmony hosted by Melrose Quartet, who have invited some of their favourite singers The Wilsons, The Melsons (Melrose and Wilsons combined!), Narthen, Culverake and Marilla Homes to join them in Sheffield for a weekend of concerts, workshops and social singing gatherings. All we need is you, and your voice!

Full weekend tickets - £60 (adults), £50 (students), £20 (youth aged 10-18) - although these sold out some time ago, we’ve had a handful of returns which are available via the link below.

Saturday Concert & Big Sing tickets - £30 (adults), £20 (students), £10 (youth aged 10-18) STILL AVAILABLE!

BOOK NOW HERE - select “pick up” for Shipping Method


Crookes Social Club,
Mulehouse Road, Crookes, S10 1TD

Saturday March 22nd

10.15am Welcome sing

10.45am-1.15pm Harmony workshops

2.30-4pm - Concert with The Wilsons (with support from the other bands)

4-7pm - Sessions & workshop with Marilla Homes

7.30-10pm - Concert with The Melsons, Melrose Quartet, Culverake, Narthen

10.30pm til late - Big Sing

Sunday March 23rd

10-10.30am - Warm up with Marilla Homes

10.30am-1pm Harmony Workshops

1.30-2.30pm - Meet The Wilsons

2.30 - 4.30pm ish - Farewell Sing


  • Yu should have received an email on 2 March with last minute information, so if you haven’t seen it please check your spam/junk mail folder and get in touch if you haven’t received it - but you just need to come to Crookes Social Club for registration on Saturday 22nd March 2025 between 9.30-10.00 am. Please don't arrive before 9.30am, we won't be ready for you! 

  • You should receive a confirmation email within a few days of booking your ticket - if you haven't, please check your spam/junk folder and check whether the payment has been taken from your card. If there is any problem with payment or confirmation email please contact us.

  • We can’t guarantee a refund but, since the festival has sold out, we are operating a waiting list and will be able to refund your ticket price if we’ve got somebody else lined up to buy it. Please contact us and we’ll see what we can do.

  • We are getting a small trickle of returns which we’ve put back on sale on the webshop, so please check there first. If they’ve all gone, you are welcome to contact us and ask to be added to the waiting list so that we can contact you if we do get more returns. There are still Saturday Half Day tickets on sale in our web shop which will give access to the concerts, the sessions, and Marilla’s workshop on Saturday from 2.30pm onwards.

  • You've probably spotted that we only do two types of ticket - full festival, or Saturday half day. Full festival tickets give you access to every part of the event, Saturday half day tickets are aimed at those who prefer to just come to concerts and singarounds. That's because while we can fit a lot of people in to the concerts, there is a limit on the capacity for workshops and that's the same for both days, so a lower price Saturday only ticket would reduce capacity for Sunday too (we think there would be less demand for a Sunday only ticket).

    We hope you'll agree though that £60 for the whole weekend is a bit of a bargain, so if you can only attend on Saturday but want workshops and therefore want a full festival ticket, you're still getting a lot for your money.

  • You will need to arrange your own accommodation as that is not covered by the ticket price. Since Crookes Social Club is located in a busy part of Sheffield not too far from the University of Sheffield and several major hospitals etc there are choices to suit most budgets - hotels, bed & breakfasts, AirB&Bs etc. We recommend not leaving it til the last minute to book something suitable for your needs.

  • Crookes Social Club has a smallish car park but there is lots of parking on the streets surrounding the Club.

  • The limited Motorhome/campervan parking available at the venue is now all allocated so we can’t fit any more, sorry.

    Please note that the building will be locked overnight.

    We can’t let you stay there on Friday night as the venue is booked for a different event. Google suggests that there are several other options for an overnight camping spot not too far away - we'd recommend the Three Merry Lads pub (610 Redmires Road, Sheffield, S10 4LJ) who apparently do overnight camping year round. You'll need to contact them through their website to book: https://threemerrylads.co.uk/

  • Crookes is well served by the 52/52A bus route to/from the city centre. You can plan your journey using https://www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/

  • The Club do not do food but they kindly allow you to bring your own, either from home or shop/takeaway.

    Crookes High Street is very close and has many shops, cafes, pubs and takeaways. There will be time between workshops/concerts to go off and eat.

    The Club do serve tea and coffee, and bar snacks such as crisps/nuts.

  • No, please don't, as Crookes Social Club has its own bar and is very reasonably priced.

  • While you are welcome to bring your own food into the Club, there are no facilities for heating it or washing up, and no crockery or cutlery. Please bring everything you need with you and ensure you take it all home again afterwards. Thanks.

  • Crookes Social Club has step-free access throughout. There is a disabled toilet.

  • Although you may be invited to stand some of the time during workshops if you wish, you can take part sitting down as much as you need to.

  • While assistance dogs are welcome, we respectfully request that you don't bring any other dogs (or other animals, for that matter!)

  • Not at all - the social club is well equipped with chairs, tables and bench seating.

  • The festival has sole use of the main hall, but the bar may be open to the public at certain points so please be aware that there may be non-festival people in the building at various times.

  • See above on this page for an overview. A detailed timetable will be made available a few weeks before the event.

  • Workshops last an hour with half hour breaks in between, and anybody who needs to duck out during a workshop, concert or session is free to move around as needed - we are sure you'll keep disruption to a minimum.

  • That depends on who is running it! Melrose Quartet will be teaching a song in parts and exploring their approach to harmony, and Jess Arrowsmith will be looking at different practical ways to improvise harmonies of your own. What Narthen, Culverake and Marilla teach will be up to them! 

  • Each morning there are two workshop time slots, in two different rooms, i.e. four different workshops in all. Each band/workshop leader will deliver the same material two days running. When you register you'll pick either the Main Hall or the Bar, and we'd like you to stick with that location for both workshops on both days so that you will get to take part in all four sessions. (Those who are later to register may get assigned to one location or the other if one is already full, but don't worry, the rooms are next to each other and there will be plenty of space for all ticket holders.) The only other workshop happens at Saturday tea time in the main hall where there is room for all ticket holders who want to attend.

  • We hope not, that was an issue with the air conditioning having been turned on full by mistake. We'll double check to make sure that doesn't happen again!

  • No, for 2025 we've managed to book Crookes Social Club for both days - hooray!